Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow=Happy Dogs & Happy Mushers!

It has been a very busy month this past month, with getting laid off, and signing up for school, a trip out to MN and back, and running dogs, and getting ready for christmas...PHEW! Where has the time gone...

So first thing, yes I got laid off, but not at all bummed about it! I have decided to follow my dream and go back to school and become a veterinary technician! I am excited about the outcome, but not all excited about the schooling, but am very ambitious and motivated to get this done ASAP! Which includes working my butt off in the summer months as well! :)Will be such a help with this degree for sure!

Second thing, we made an awesome trip yet again to MN and back. Just can't stay away from there! We drove straight thru, and arrived right on time. Had some excellent runs out there on sled with the whole crew. Of course Kasey can't go to MN, and not bring anything back that has fur and 4 legs!? So we have two awesome boys here for the next few months to help me accomplish my goals this year. Wat and Roland are 5 years olds, they are brothers and have finished the Iditarod twice! With setting the fastest pure bred team in Iditarod history both times. They are available for stud use, while they are here in New England. It was just an awesome trip, and wish it could of lasted a month or so longer! But responsibilities always seem to get in the way...
Wat & Roalnd
So the next few months are going to be just as busy with training/racing dogs, and going to school, but its going to be so worth it in the end! Team is shaping up nicely, quite impressed with them, and how much further they are ahead from last year at this time. We have our first 100 miler in 3 weeks, and we are a little behind than I wanted to be, but not enough to really set us back too much. Either way we are going to have a blast doing what we love!

At this moment we are getting hammered on with snow, which is what we really needed! Now we can be on sleds as of tomorrow! Just going to be tough going, breaking trail but it will be a great work out for the dogs! :)

The puppies are doing awesome, and not really puppies anymore, they are huge! I mean huge! They are out with the big dogs now, and are such pros! :) They will be on moms team this year, just going out for the fun runs!

Well hope everyone had a great christmas, as did I. Hope you all have a Happy and Safe New Year, and Happy Trails! Below are some photos for you to enjoy!

Until Next Time....

~Fort Illio Kennels~